The One with the “Condition”

My maiden name is Brown.  And in the Brown family, there’s this thing we call “Brown Brain”.  Not all of us have it, but those of us that do, consider it a condition.  And we blame our dad, but that’s totally not relevant.  

“Brown Brain” happens when there’s an idea, or problem that needs to be solved, or something needs to be figured out, and our brains turn on into over drive and will. not. turn off. until every possible angle or scenario has been thought of.  For the most part, “Brown Brain” is actually a pretty good thing.  Our brains can accomplish a lot! BUT, the nasty side effect of “Brown Brain” is not being able to turn it off!  Once it starts, you just have to ride it out until a decision is made.

Remember back in the day when you’d accidentally click on the wrong thing on a website and all of the sudden 4,389 screens started popping up?  And you couldn’t start x-ing them out until they had all popped up.  That’s “Brown Brain”.  

Now, “Brown Brain” is great for time management, and budgeting, and planning reunions or parties or vacations, or running big companies (my dad).  But it is the WORST when there isn’t a clear decision or solution!  Or all the options are good! The pop-ups just keep coming back and cycling through on repeat.

It’s exhausting.

So WHY did I just write a novel about my totally made up “condition”?  Well, I have a current situation that “Brown Brain” isn’t solving.  I’m just going around in circles.  Trying to close pop-ups right and left, but they keep popping up!

I’m thinking about changing the name of this little ole business of mine.  But, I’m not 100% sure it’s the right move.  

Believe me, I know, this really isn’t something to lose sleep over. But that’s “Brown Brain”.  It doesn’t differentiate between super-duper-important and not-really-a-big-deal.

So, here I am. Going back and forth.

Emmie Photo started out as a partnership; two names under one. Cammie + Emily = Emmie Photo.  Recently, Cammie wrestled with her own version of “Brown Brain” (even though she’s not a Brown) and came to the very difficult decision that she needed to pull out of Emmie Photo, in order to focus her time more with her family.  Although I’m sad to see her leave Emmie Photo, it was the right decision, and I support her 100%. And she’s my biggest fan.

So, now it’s just me. And, I’m not Emmie! I am Emily Broadbent.  So, I’ve been considering (thank you “Brown Brain”) changing to Emily Broadbent Photography.  I am my business.  I want to connect with YOU, and I want YOU to know ME! 

BUT, Emmie Photo is where I started! It’s PART of me, just not ALL of me.

BUT, people keep calling me Emmie, and that’s not my name.  I mean it COULD be my nickname.  It’s just not.

See.  Close one pop-up and another takes it’s place.  Close that one, and that other one comes back.  I have a serious problem people.  I need a firewall or something.

But really, I need to make a decision.  So guess what? I did.  I’m doing it! The pop ups are all officially closed, and you are reading this post on my new, rebranded website, for Emily Broadbent Photography.  I may be kind of freaking out.  In a good way.  I think!

All of those concerns that kept “Brown Brain” alive are still there.  I have no idea if this will work out the way I HOPE it will.  It’s scary and intimidating putting myself out there as just me!  It’s scary and intimidating growing a business.  But, in the end, I’m pumped.  And I have all kinds of dreams and hopes and faith that it will work out they way it needs to! 

So thanks for joining me on this journey! And for reading this novel! I’m still working out all the kinks, so there are still a few changes that will be happening.  Like getting Facebook to cooperate with changing my page name (insert eyeroll emoji). And all the backend website stuff that would just make you want to poke your eyes out. Bring. It. On.

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