It’s 100% cliche, but the pregnancy “glow” was legit last night. Especially during sunset, on the river. I mean come on! Going through all these pictures had me seriously wishing I would have had maternity pictures taken when I was pregnant with my first.
But this isn’t about me. THIS is about Savannah and Phillip and that cute little baby bump. And, by the way, Savannah totally rocks that baby bump. And she can do it while wearing heals. I’m pretty sure if you can wear heals while pregnant, it’s some kind of sign that you’ll be an amazing mom. Yep, definitely.
I’ve known Savannah since she was 12. And while I’m very aware that she isn’t currently 12 (thank you baby bump), it’s still blowing my mind that she’s about to become a MOM. I’ve watched her grow from a 12 year old into an independent young women, into a wife and into this gorgeous momma to be. While I’m not entirely sure how this all happened so fast, I do know she will be one amazing mom. And not only because she can wear heals while pregnant.
I don’t know Phillip at all. But I know he chose Savannah, and that tells me a lot. And there’s not doubt he loves her, and their little baby boy. I’m so excited for them both!
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