Romantic Bee Tree Park Engagement Session | Megan and Tim

Love is a crazy thing.  One day you can be working together and just friends, then a few years later you’re in the middle of a romantic engagement session at Bee Tree Park! At least that’s how it was for Megan and Tim! And here’s what Megan has to say about that…
We’ve been dating for 2 years but friends for atleast 3 years before we started dated. We worked together so we would chat at work and ended up spending a lot of time together outside of work at different work gatherings. I always knew we would be great together but he needed a little pushing/convincing. I am also the boss’s daughter so I completely understand why he didn’t want to go down that road. Lucky for him I didn’t let that be an excuse!
The proposal isn’t very romantic. He was very nervous and I could tell he was acting weird (I thought he was drinking before I got home) He planned on proposing at my house but I was rushing him because I thought my parents needed us at my house and I was running late from work as it was. Turns out my parents were in on it and had both our families there to celebrate with us. When we got to my parents house he was running around trying to stop me from going in because he knew he needed to propose before we went inside so he just threw his 12 pack of beer in my arms saying “hold my beer” then got down on one knee and asked. I was so surprised I didn’t know if he was joking or serious! He proposed with a hose clamp at first because of a longstanding inside joke at work, so I was not sure if it was a placeholder, or just joking around.
Turns out it was real 🙂
I’ve said it a million times, but love stories are my favorite. And, Megan and Tim, yours is SO sweet. I can just picture you telling this exact story to your kids and grandkids one day. And they. Will. Love. It.

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Check out more romantic engagement sessions in a park here and here.

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