You know you’re a photographer when…
You spend an entire day in downtown Chicago taking pictures of your two photographer friends, and letting them take pictures of you. All day. AND it was the BEST day ever.
You know you’re a photographer when…
That day also happens to be your birthday, and it’s STILL the BEST day ever!
Basically, photographers are weird.
But I’m totally ok with it. Because it means I’m doing what I love. And add in all the amazing food we managed to eat along the way, and it literally could not have been a better day. I love taking pictures. I love to eat. And Chicago is kind of the perfect place to do both! I LOVE Chicago!
I also love these two photog friends of mine, Stephanie and Liberty.
We all met in a private facebook group for students of Amy and Jordan Demos, wedding photographers and photographer educators. We’ve taken all THREE of their courses, and they have all be LIFE changing. In more ways than one.
I’m where I am today as a photographer, because of those courses. I have friendships today, with some incredible women, because of those courses. The community Amy and Jordan created, is exactly what’s needed in such a competitive industry. It’s much more fun doing what you love when you can be friends with other people doing what they love! And it’s even better that we’re all doing pretty much the same thing! When I need inspiration, or a pep talk, or help with an idea, or anything, I have a tribe that gets me. Basically, it’s awesome. We’re just a bunch of weirdos that get each others weirdness.
And walk around Chicago getting way too excited about taking each other’s pictures.
It almost felt like college. We swapped clothes and jewelry. Stuffed our faces with the most AMAZING food. Told each other how amazing we looked. Or not amazing. But mostly amazing. Laughed our faces off. Didn’t care if we looked like a bunch of weirdos. And had. A. BLAST.
It was the best birthday ever. And I will value these friendships forever.
Check out my co-consipirtors Stephanie Marie Photography and Liberty Cameron Photography.
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